LOSViewTM – Fast and reliable Line of Sight surveys?
SkyEye LOSViewtm enables Line of Sight validation on existing and candidate sites without complications. LOSView reduces OPEX, improves safety and produces an improved high quality and consistent output over traditional methods. This guaranteed output can help reduce CAPEX by building a tower fit for purpose instead of over dimensioning.
Line of sight is a time consuming and resource intensive exercise requireing significant coordination. Often access to both end sites (existing structures) takes time, two climbing teams need to be mobilised, cherrypickers / cranes (for candidate sites) take time to organise and deploy. Manual surveys can lead to errors (bearing, heights and poor photography) .
SkyEye LOSView removes virtually all the issues around the manual methods. No or limited access requirements, bearings and heights can be pre programmed onto the flight plan. High resolution Digtal SLR camera and a 2M candle power torch are mounted onto a highly stablised platform giving accurate and reliable results.
The result is a faster, more efficient, safer and accurate with no site downtime is required.
LOSView combined with GreenView or TowerView gives a comprehensive site/candidate survey report allowing engineers to make informed planning decisions.
Contact us to find out what SkyEye can do for you.